HERE'S a council press release that's bound to interest Didsbury people.

The site holds the potential to expand the number of executive homes in South Manchester

Proposals for a residential development in Didsbury – that will include a new primary school and the preservation an historic playing field – have been put forward as Manchester City Council continues its partnership with Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) to develop their surplus asset sites.

A report will go before Manchester City Council’s Executive that will set out a draft regeneration framework for the University’s Didsbury Campus in South Manchester, which if approved, would pave the way for a public consultation in the autumn.

The site holds the potential to expand the number of executive homes in South Manchester, contributing to the long-term economic growth of the city and residential growth ambitions – as seen in the city council’s Residential Growth Prospectus, which sets out the city’s specific housing requirement in terms of mixed cost, size and tenure properties in different areas.

This site allows for the opportunity to develop larger homes, expanding the city’s housing stock and tax base that will encourage people to settle and remain in Manchester who might otherwise choose to commute from outlying areas.

Future residential development will increase demand for school places in the Didsbury area and the campus will also be considered for educational purposes – in particular, a site for a new primary school.

The campus currently spans nearly 17 acres, comprising of one Grade II* listed property and a number of Grade II listed buildings, Broomhurst Hall and the Simon Playing Fields, which would all remain untouched as part of the plans.

Cllr Richard Leese, Leader of Manchester City Council, said: “Manchester's success means we desperately need thousands of new homes of every type and size and we are working with a variety of partners to development suitable sites across the city.

“These plans represent the next phase of a long-standing relationship between the city council and Manchester Metropolitan University - plans which we hope Didsbury, the University and the city has a whole can all benefit from - making a lasting contribution to our growth ambitions and leaving a lasting positive legacy "

Professor John Brooks, Vice-Chancellor of Manchester Metropolitan University said: “Our move to new facilities at Birley Fields in Hulme in September 2014 brings down the curtain on our long-association with Didsbury but opens up new opportunities for the city and the community in the shape of this draft framework.”