There are 2.9m people in Greater Manchester, there are 2.9m stories in Greater Manchester
2 minute read
Manchester Confidential is looking for freelance writers. Our ambition is to lead opinion on a whole range of stories across Greater Manchester. We want to reinforce the website’s reach and coverage with variety of voice and opinion. This will become evident over the coming months.
BUT before we go any further with this, let us make one thing clear: we pay freelancers because freelancers have to make a living. Unlike so many other web magazines in this city Manchester Confidential will not want something for nothing while banging on about ‘it being good for your profile’.
We want writers to pitch on anything that is of interest and relevance in Greater Manchester, whether that be on the state of public transport, problems in local health provision or backyard but important issues in a specific area.
If you simply discover something delightful and charming that should to be revealed to a broader Manchester public that would work too.
Unlike so many other web magazines Manchester Confidential will not want something for nothing.
Stories must always be more than 500 words in length, but if deeper research is needed and a far longer word count is required then that is fine, just ask. All pitches will receive a yay or nay within five days, or instant (when possible) if it is a breaking story. A fee will be agreed on acceptance of the story and will be paid on the 15th of the month.

One further point: we have a policy of freedom in writing and do not hold any doctrinal, political or ideological position. Nothing is cancelled and all sensible stories will be considered.
Of course, writers must provide high quality, punchy and grammatically tight content. Originality is key to us. Manchester Confidential will not be rehashing press releases. We will only cover stories others are covering where it would be perverse not to do so.
There are 2.9m people in Greater Manchester and there are 2.9m stories, please dig some out for us.
Email pitches to:
No agencies please.