CENTRAL Government has given the crucial go-ahead for a massive regeneration project for Brunswick, with a £113 million plan that will transform the inner city neighbourhood.
We have a fantastic community here that will no doubt continue to prosper as the regeneration plans come to fruition.
The Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), acting for the Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG), have approved a value for money business case – that has saved a substantial £4.9 million for the project – and gives the city council permission to choose a preferred organisation who will carry out Brunswick’s programme of improvement.
The 25 year regeneration project will bring huge investment to the area that has seen development plans postponed for several years.
More than 650 council homes will enjoy extensive refurbishments that will exceed decent homes standards, up to 500 high quality new homes will be built for rent or buy and an improved neighbourhood design – including new road layouts and safe open spaces.
In addition, a new retail area will provide shops and amenities, along with a new neighbourhood office and a 60 bed sheltered accommodation facility.
Cllr Jim Battle, Deputy Leader of Manchester City Council, said: "This announcement takes us a step closer to a new Brunswick, and although we still face a number of hurdles, this is a welcome announcement that gives some light at the end of the tunnel for residents who have waited years for these plans.
"We have a fantastic community here that will no doubt continue to prosper as the regeneration plans come to fruition. Being so close to the city centre, coupled with the promise of new homes and an improved neighbourhood layout, I can see a bright future for Brunswick."
The Government green light means the Council can now consider the tenders of the project consortiums who will be responsible for delivering the regeneration plan. The Council will evaluate the final bids from both Fern and Solutions 4 Brunswick, before selecting the preferred bidder later this year.