PEOPLE are being urged to report rough sleepers in a new campaign to ensure they don’t spend more than a single night on the streets. 

No Second Night Out is being launched across Merseyside this week – the first region to officially adopt the standard outside London. 

The premise is that the longer someone sleeps on the streets the tougher their problems become. And while there may be many reasons why somebody sleeps rough for one night there is no reason why they need to spend a second night on the streets. 

People living right across the county are being urged to support the campaign by phoning the local helpline whenever they see a rough sleeper on 0300 123 2041. By ringing this number, organisers say you will support local homeless agencies to nail the problem. 

Councillors representing all six local authorities across the region will sign up to the initiative at an event being held in St George’s Hall, Liverpool on Thursday. 

It mirrors the Government’s rough sleeping strategy  and is being rolled out nationally with the support of umbrella organisation Homeless Link.

In London, according to figures, the pilot has ensured 70pc of new rough sleepers do not return to the streets.

Mark McPherson, of Homeless Link, said:  “Every night, someone sleeps rough for the first time. We know that the longer they stay out, the worse their problems can get and the harder they can be to overcome. A life on the streets can lead to substance misuse, crime and serious physical or mental health problems.


“No Second Night Out is a simple standard that means putting the right services in place so no one spends more than a single night on the streets. “The Liverpool region is leading the way on this commitment outside of London. We look forward to supporting them on their journey.”

The initiative has been supported by £120,000 of additional Government cash which will provide the local free phone number, extending outreach provision and allowing co-ordinate services to be more effectively coordinated.

Outreach services for rough sleepers throughout the city region will be coordinated by the Whitechapel Centre, who have received funding for this initiative along with Liverpool YMCA.

Posters advertising the No Second Night Out phone number will appear at bus stops, rail stations and in areas where people have been known to sleep rough.