THE NEW signs at Liverpool’s gateways could soon read welcome to Poundland! Mayor Joe Anderson’s latest bargain-basement scheme to sell homes for a quid has attracted 2,560 applications.
Homes for a Pound is just one of a range of measures we are using to bring a total of 4,000 houses across the city back into use
The second wave of terraced houses to be offered for the price of a small portion of chips follows the success of a pilot project in the Granby Four Streets and Arnside Road areas. This time the initiative will transform empty terraced homes off Smithdown Road.
People hungry to snap up a bargain had until July 31 to apply, with the closing date showing enough bids had been submitted to fill an entire community.
Deputy Mayor, Cllr Ann O’Byrne, said: “We have had tremendous interest in this scheme and we will now begin the hard job of assessing the applications against the eligibility and priority criteria.
“We know from previous experience that some people who apply aren’t eligible, while others decide during the process that it isn’t for them or the properties aren’t what they are looking for.
“Ultimately, this is about giving people the chance to get on the housing ladder as we seek to drive up the quality, standard and range of properties in the city.
“Homes for a Pound is just one of a range of measures we are using to bring a total of 4,000 houses across the city back into use.”

The homes targeted as part of the scheme are located in and around Britannia Avenue, Altcar Avenue, Childwall Avenue, Dorset Avenue, Bird Street, Richardson Street, Garrick Street, Tunstall Street and Webster Road.
Applicants had to live or work within the Liverpool City Council boundary, be in paid employment and be a first time buyer.
The council say additional priority is given to applicants with dependent children, who have a good credit history and can demonstrate that they have savings to fund the renovation of the property.
Those lucky enough to hand over their pound coin will be required to live in their new home for a minimum of five years and refurbish the property to the Decent Homes Standard.
The scheme is being split into separate phases based upon condition and geography and the city council will carry out remedial works on the properties that are in a particularly poor condition to make sure that they are viable for people to work on.
People who have applied will be contacted by the end of October and advised about the next stage of the process.