LIVERPOOL’s lady politicians might be out of the race when it comes to do their bit for Movember - well most of them - but they can certainly sport a fake, snowy beard with the best of them. 

This weekend the three at the top are running for high offfice when they take part in the Santa Dash to raise money for foodbanks in the city. 

Deputy Mayor Councillor Roz Gladden and Assistant Mayors Councillors Ann O’Byrne and Wendy Simon are joining forces with other elected members and Mayoral support staff to take part in the 5k fun run this Sunday (December 1).


Cash collected will go to the Mayor’s Hope Fund, a new charity for poverty relief set up by Joe Anderson. It is identifying specific projects to implement, enhance and grow the level of service that each foodbank can provide. The money, says the council, will be used to create storage space and distribution centres, recruit and train volunteer and collect and deliver food. 

Mayor Joe Anderson, who gets off with a sickie on this one, said: “I am delighted that so many of my team are taking part in the Santa Dash to raise money for the Mayor’s Hope Fund." Oh yes.

“We have had a great response to the charity since it was launched last week. It is providing a huge boost for foodbanks, enabling them to invest in their infrastructure to meet the increasing need for their services.” 

People can show their support by making an online donation here  and also donate to the Mayor’s Hope Fund in the following ways: 

Direct: At the 28 Tesco stores in Liverpool by scanning a special donation barcode available in store.  Text: Either £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10. Text LMHF14 followed by the amount to 70070. So, to donate £1, text LMHF14 £1 to 70070.