LIVERPOOL City Council Cabinet  approved the Meadowlands sale this morning.   

The proposal, revealed here on Liverpool Confidential and sparking masssive reader debate, is backed by Mayor Joe Anderson.

The proposal, which would see high-band executive homes built, had been called-in by Lib Dem Councillors Elaine Allen, Tom Morrison, Richard Oglethorpe, Erica Kemp and Richard Kemp (Lib Dem Group Leader). 

They gave the reason for the call-in: "To enable full scrutiny of the sale of land at Park Avenue L18.  This is a matter of great public importance.  We need to protect the green spaces of Liverpool." 

It will now go to a scrutiny committee, though the committee has no power to overturn the Cabinet/Mayoral decision.

Meanwhile, a petition on the Mayor’s website to stop the sale of Sefton Park Meadows, on Park Avenue, has gained over 330 signatures in a couple of days.

There is also a petition in favour of the sell off which, at time of publishing, had amassed just seven signatures. 

Sarah Jennings, Green Party councillor in neighbouring St Michael’s ward, says there is a huge strength of feeling in the community about the issue.

“Liverpool hasn’t got enough green space as it is," she said. "The idea that a Labour council would sell off green spaces, which every member of the public can access free of charge to walk their dogs, have picnics and spend quality time with their families outdoors, in order to benefit just a small minority of people who want to build luxury houses, seems absurd."

"The current proposals coming from the Mayor mean that no piece of Liverpool’s open green spaces will be safe. We will fight against his approach in every way we can.”

The petition against the sell-off is accessible on the Mayor's website by clicking here.   

Update to "update": A mass family picnic to show support for the retention of the land as a green space is being held next Easter Monday at 2.30pm-4.30pm on Meadowlands, Park Drive, itself.