THE Farm and and 15-year-old Liverpool singer John Lennon McCullagh will  be supporting the TUC’s march and rally in Manchester this Sunday (September 29) against NHS cuts and privatisation.

Up to 40,000 people are expected to take to the streets as part of campaigns to defend the NHS as well as "attacks" on workers' pay, jobs and rights.

The event, compered by Manchester musician and journalist John Robb, takes place on the first day of the Conservative Party Conference.

The FarmThe FarmThe Farm have been rehearsing all week with the Stalybridge Brass Band for the performance.

Lead singer Peter Hooton said: “There are some things in life worth fighting for and we believe the NHS is one of them. One of our members, Steve Grimes, is still alive today thanks to the wonderful care he received after being diagnosed with bowel cancer.

“Nye Bevan said the NHS would last as long as there are folk left with the faith to fight for it. The Farm, like many others, have that faith. Patients before profit.”

His comments were supported by Alan Magee, Creation records founder who has signed McCullagh to his new label.


In an interview with the Press Association this week he accused the coalition of seeking to "destroy" welfare benefits.

"The people this is affecting are kids. A decade ago young people could leave school, find a decent job, get a flat and earn enough money to live on. That is not happening now.

"We are in danger of ending up with a generation of people facing homelessness and on drugs, especially if they don't get on with their parents so have to leave home.

"Unless you know someone these days, you are not going to find work because Britain is not investing in jobs," he said.

The TUC's North West Regional Secretary, Liverpool born and bred Lynn Collins, has organised the event.

She said: “Our NHS is under attack and we want to send the strongest message to the Conservatives that we will not stand by and let them sell-off our national treasure.

“But it’s not just our health service under attack. Workers in the North West and beyond have had enough of a government that cuts and cuts – whether it be jobs, services or wages. That’s why we are taking to the streets on 29 September.”

Apart from the turns there will be speeches from public sector workers, union leaders and shadow health minister Andy Burnham MP.

The plan

Events on Sunday 29 September

11am       Liverpool Road (M3 4FP) assemble for march

TBC         March passes Manchester Central Convention Complex

TBC         March continues down Oxford Road

2pm         Rally at Whitworth Park with The Farm, Stalybridge Brass Band, John Robb and Andy Burnham MP.