THE Dublin-based social media firm ReferStar LTD has chosen Liverpool for its European & Middle Eastern sales hub. 

The specialist online recruitment company, which works by giving a cash bonus to employees who refer a friend to fill a job vacancy, says it chose Liverpool because of its burgeoning reputation as a key business destination and access to business support. 

The move to Liverpool, where ReferStar has initially created two jobs with a rapid expansion planned over the next 12 months, follows the launch of new market-leading internet based software. 


Morgan Pierce, CEO of ReferStar, said: “We selected Liverpool for its innovative and economically vibrant digital media sector, making it an attractive location for our expansion.” 

Paolo Bafico, Sales Director of EMEA at ReferStar who is heading the Water Street base, said: “I was persuaded to look at Liverpool by the enthusiasm of Liverpool Vision. The bottom line is that Liverpool offered everything a growing company needs to be successful - highly qualified candidates, a growing economy, easy access to the rest of the EU.” 

ReferStar’s new “Software as a Service” (SaaS) uses the social media contacts of employees, alumni, suppliers and friends to fill job vacancies with qualified candidates.  Companies both large, such as Deloitte, and small, such as Cleverbug, are using ReferStar to refer candidates with a new twist.  If your candidate is selected, you receive a cash reward. 

Morgan Pierce added: “ReferStar is disruptive to traditional recruitment methods."