LIB DEM councillor Rosie Jolly defected to Labour  today, taking the main Town Hall opposition group on Liverpool City Council to just nine. 

But the Lib Dems had already ditched her, saying her work in the Wavertree ward was “well below” what was expected and and had selected another candidate, Steve Maddison,  to stand for them, at the next election. 

Cllr Jolly came to office in May 2010, joining ex-Lord Mayor and former leader Mike Storey as one of her ward colleagues. 

A year after she won,  Mike Storey was beaten  in the  2011 elections by Labour’s teenage wonder boy Jake Morrison. He has just announced he is leaving the council chamber himself in 2015 when his term of office is up. 

From today the line up in the council chamber will be Labour 75, Lib Dems 9, Liberals 3, Greens 2, Independent 1.

Rosie_JollyRosie JollyCllr Jolly blamed the Lib Dem’s part in the Coalition Government for her decision to join the Labour ranks. 

She explained her decision in a lengthy resignation letter to Lib Dem leader Cllr Richard Kemp. 

Cllr Jolly wrote: “I believe the Liberal Democrats nationally have failed the country and more importantly have failed our city. The lack of challenge by the party on key Conservative policy issues, changes to the Welfare State and the controversial Bedroom Tax, which directly impact on some of the most vulnerable individuals in this city is unforgivable. 

“This coupled with the disproportionate cuts to funding Liverpool has had to implement is a classic example of how the national party has let down the city and its people when they have repeatedly failed to listen to the implications the cuts have for a city like Liverpool and its demographic profile.


“When I joined the party I was proud to call myself a Liberal Democrat but since the formation of the Coalition that pride has gradually turned to shame and I can no longer defend the indefensible. For some time I have being taking stock of the national position and concluded that the party has placed me in an untenable position. My values and aspirations as both An individual and politician are more aligned to those of the Labour party and as such I have decided I can no longer remain a member of the Liberal Democrats.

“My decision to leave the party is purely  based on the failures of the national party who in my view have sacrificed local Liberal Democrat groups for their own ends. The party's role in central government is not, I believe in the best national interests and certainly not in the best interests of the people Liverpool, nor any other core city faced with the same challenges. When you feel ashamed to call yourself a Liberal Democrat, it becomes time to move on.’’ 

To which Cllr Kemp replied:

Dear Cllr Jolly,

Thank you for this. I am not really surprised as frankly your efforts since you have been elected have been well below what we expect of a Lib Dem councillor in terms of ward work, committee work and attendance at group and Party meetings.

You will also be aware that we have already adopted Steve Maddison to replace you as our candidate for next year's elections.

I wish you well in your new career.