NEW off-licences, shops selling alcohol and after-midnight food and drink outlets could be vetoed under new plans to halt problem drinking in Kensington and Fairfield.

Off Licence Kensington
A cumulative impact policy has gone out to public consultation in response to high levels of crime and disorder, public nuisance, street drinking, underage drinking and anti-social behaviour in parts of the neighbourhood.

It is backed by police, ward councillors and housing organisations, and while it has been welcomed, one prominent local community leader has described the idea as good news in the "croissant of deprivation," but not before time. 


Steve Faragher, who runs Kensington Community CIC, the Kensington and Fairfield Voice newspaper and the neighbourhood's community radio station KVFM, said: “Its a great idea and like some of the other council initiatives they can be directly linked to campaigns and articles in the Kensington and Fairfield Voice - ie 24 Hr Party Kenny, Kicking the Krap Out of Kenny, The Smallest pub in the UK Bus Stop (main picture, top), the £1 houses idea, so on and so forth.

"We as an organisation and me as a local residents and prospective independent council candidate are fully supportive of the move, its just a pity it couldn't have happened sooner. Its good news for K&F and good news for all the poor wards of the City situated in the "Croissant of Deprivation" a definitive shape which surrounds the affluent city centre."

Stephen FaragherStephen FaragherThe policy, if agreed, would also apply to applications to increase the hours of existing licences or to extend such premises. However it would not apply to on-licences premises such as pubs.

Local Councillor Liam Robinson said :“There is a lot of concern in this neighbourhood about the number of off-licences and premises open later at night for food and drink. It is being proposed that we put limits on any future licences but we need to know what local people think and I would urge them to let their voices be heard on this issue.”

The consultation questionnaire and supporting information is available on the council’s website or email  or setting out your views. Deadline 1 November 2013.