A MEMBER of Mayor Joe Anderson’s powerful cabinet has called for the sale of the Sefton Park Meadowlands to be halted.

Cllr Laura Robertson-Collins, Assistant Cabinet Member for Employment and Skills, has joined forces with fellow Labour Councillor James Roberts in urging politicians from her own party to think again.

Laura Robertson Collins with the chiefLaura Robertson-Collins
with the chief
It is the first time a Labour member has publicly broken ranks over the controversial proposal, revealed here, which would see the historic public space to be sold for luxury housing.

The hope is that sale of the land, considered by most to be a crucial part of Sefton Park, will swell the council’s diminishing coffers by as much as £10m, with the cash used to pay for improvements in the city’s parklands.

On Thursday (April 4) Liverpool City Council's regeneration select committee will discuss the proposed sale of the six acre Meadowlands – described in the Mayor’s reports as “incidental open space in Park Avenue”.

The meeting takes place at 5pm in the council chamber at the Town Hall and campaigners are calling on opponents to demonstrate outside.

Crowds brave cold for Easter Monday picnic at the MeadowlandsCrowds brave cold for Easter Monday picnic at the Meadowlands

Meadowlands falls within the Greenbank ward and the two Labour councillors who represent it will be setting out their stall for for it to be spared.

Sefton Park Protests 2013 %2811%29
In their “call-in” plea, Cllr Robertson-Collins and Cllr Roberts state: “This land is valued by local residents as a natural habitat, extending the green space available for residents and for wildlife in the area. We are calling in the report to give more time to look for alternative means of generating income, instead of losing green space.”

Meanwhile (writes Angie Sammons) biting cold winds didn't stop crowds from turning out to a Bank Holiday “picnic” in protest at the proposed sale of the meadows yesterday – with organisers vowing that the fight will go on to halt it.

Hailing the event a major success, campaigners, including Green politicians and local residents, claimed as many as 500 supporters had shown their faces on the site throughout the afternoon although other estimates put the figure at more like 200-300.

39301_129405133910534_1726568934_NProtesters tell Mayor Joe
what they think
They included cross-party speeches from Green Party Councillor John Coyne and Liverpool Lib Dem leader Richard Kemp, along with petition signings, music from Liverpool rock n rollers Bolshy, several barbecues and free tea, to keep the Easter Monday chill at bay, dispensed by the drivers of a VW Camper van.

Liverpool Mayor Joe Anderson, who was only to be seen on caricature placards, has said the land, which is not classified by English Heritage as part of Sefton Park, “seems to be used for little but dog fouling”.

An online petition against the sell-off has so far attracted more than 1,200 signatures.

Liverpool's bid to be the Green Capital of Europe

Select committees do not have the power to block or overturn decisions by the Mayor, but they can attempt to influence decisions.

Regeneration Cabinet member Cllr Malcolm Kennedy, who is expected at Thursday’s meeting, has already made it clear he is right behind the sale of the Meadowlands. 

Malcolm KennedyMalcolm KennedyIronically, Liverpool City Council is backing an initiative to see the city crowned Green Capital of Europe. One of the key figures behind the project is Cllr Kennedy.

Among a raft of proposals which include improved recylcling and greener, cleaner buildings, there are ambitious plans for an office building in Vauxhall Road that will be powered by a combined heating and power plant.

“It already has planning permission. Basically, we want to re-power North Liverpool," says Councillor Kennedy.

“But this stuff is not tree-hugging stuff, it’s a practical focus around creating skills, jobs and investment."