LIVERPOOL Town Hall will remember victims of this week’s Pakistan school tragedy by lowering its flag to half-mast and lighting a memorial candle.

The president of the Pakistan Association in Liverpool, Mr Sarfraz Ali, will join Mayor Joe Anderson and Lord Mayor Councillor Erica Kemp at the ceremony tomorrow morning (Friday).

Vigils have been held in cities across the globe since Monday's horrific attack. At least 148 people, mainly children, were killed when members of the Taliban opened fire on classrooms in the military school in Peshawar.

Lord Mayor Councillor Erica Kemp said: “This is a terrible tragedy and we would like to send a message to all those who have lost a loved one that they are in our thoughts and prayers.

“As both a mother and a former teacher this is an unimaginable horror that you pray will never happen. I sincerely hope they find some comfort in knowing they are not alone in their grief.”


Joining them in offering the city’s condolences to the victims’ families will be the young Lord Mayor’s and civic dignitaries including the Lord-Lieutenant.

There will also be a two-minute silence held as a mark of respect before the council’s cabinet meeting on Friday.

Mayor of Liverpool, Joe Anderson said: “The events in the city of Peshawar this week could not have failed to have an impact on anyone.

“Attacks such as this on innocent victims are difficult to understand and such huge loss of life seems even more tragic at this time of year.

 “Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who has suffered in this dreadful event and I know the City of Liverpool will join with me in sending our heartfelt sympathies to everyone affected.”

*The ceremony will take place at Liverpool Town Hall, Friday December 19, 8.30am.