IS he in, is he out, will he shake it all about, or will he be deselected the minute he walks into the Laburnum Road joint? 

Speculation on all of these things was nearly rife yesterday when young Jake Morrison, Independent Councillor for Wavertree, announced he was in talks with Mayor Joe Anderson to go back into the Labour fold. 

Jake, champion of the national defibrillator cause and once the city's youngest ever Labour councillor, saw it all unravel last summer.

First he quit and was subsequently suspended from the party after his very public row with MP Luciana Berger. Tensions were high, everyone got called for everything, with Jake even being accused of "pissing on his chips" by local Labour chief whip Alan Dean

It seemed there could be no way back as Jake, 21, announced he would plough an independent furrow, standing against Ms Berger in the 2015 General Election with plenty of support from the likes of actress Margi Clarke accompanying him on the Wavertree door knock.

Then there was a challenge to Mayor Anderson himself, with Jake launching an unsuccessful petition calling for a return to old style rule.

But could he still do it on his own?

Suddenly the game has changed, with the Harry Potter of local politics insisting: "Me and the Mayor are friends."

Critics say it's a ruse and warn bingo-loving Jake could find himself “on-the-floor-number-four”, come next May's elections with no key of the door to his ward or anything else.

Uncle Joe says it's time to bury the hatchet. But where? 

Prof Y Chucklebutty illustrates the day's political dilemma. See the full blog post here and have a chuckle at the rest. Tatty bye now, tatty bye!

Jake Morrisson

Read the full post on Professor Chucklebutty's Liverpool here