WATCH out Joe Anderson. Liverpool's very own favourite celebrity crimper, Herbert Howe, has announced he will stand as Liverpool’s first elected mayor.

The King of Bling said he will run as an independent candidate, adding: “Liverpool is the most important thing in my life”.

Herbert For Mayor” is not a new idea - for years the notion has remained in the realms of spoof, or satire in the city's blogsphere. But he who has the last laugh...

The move, revealed today, was welcomed by rival campaigner Liam Fogarty who denied he was gutted.

If Herbert's candidacy raises the profile of this contest among the wider electorate in the city, then that can only be good news for local politics,” he said.

Good luck to him. He has a track record, he has interesting ideas. If he has a vision for Liverpool then bring it on. The people will decide!”

Liverpool councillors will vote next Tuesday to abolish the role of council leader and replace it with a directly elected mayor, as revealed exclusively two weeks ago by Liverpool Confidential.

The first mayoral elections will be held in May - without consulting the electorate first in a referendum to see if they actually want one or not.

But that was before Herbert.

Herbert 2
Cllr Anderson, the current leader of the city council, is widely tipped to be the front runner for the Labour nomination. Other interested parties and individuals have until March 25 to throw their hats, or curlers, into the ring.

Old Swan-born Herbert, who must be knocking on for 70 now, says he isn't a political animal but vowed: “I am going to put my name forward for elected mayor.

I am not politically motivated at all but I have got over 50 years experience in business.”

Herbert may be new to this particular game but if he needs advice on electioneering he should perhaps look to Mr Fogarty who not only has years of experience but has even provided him with a campaign slogan.

It's got to be 'Howe Now',” he said, the phrase tripping off the tongue.