JERRY Goldman, managing director of the award winning waterfront Beatles Story, has quit his job.

Mr Goldman, 67, who has been at the helm at the Fab Four mecca for Beatles fans for 12 years, is to leave his post at the end of this month. 

An official statement released through Merseytravel, owners of the Beatles Story, said: “He has indicated his intention to retire at the end of the month”.

Cllr Liam Robinson, chairman of the sub-regional transport executive, Merseytravel, said: “Jerry Goldman has played a key role in the management of one of the city region’s leading attractions, and we thank him for his work over the years, and wish him well for the future.”


In the official statement, released through a PR agency, Mr Goldman is quoted as saying : “It has been a great honour managing The Beatles Story. Its success is due to its world class team and I wish them all continued success and enjoyment.” 

Just a few months ago it was announced Merseytravel had launched a review of The Beatles Story. The authority bought the Beatles Story four years ago for £8m.

The review came against a backdrop of controversy at Merseytravel when it was forced to call in independent auditors after an internal dossier revealed a culture of poor corporate governance. It led to the long serving chairman of Merseytravel, Cllr Mark Dowd, standing down, to be replaced by the then manager of Liverpool’s Lime Street Station, Liverpool Labour councillor Liam Robinson.

At the time of the review, Liam Robinson said Merseytravel was "going over the Beatles Story budget with a fine tooth comb".

(Click here to add text)(Click here to add text)He was quoted as saying: “We are shining a torch into every corner to make sure we get the best deal on the money being spent."

The Beatles Story first opened as a tourist attraction at Albert Dock in 1990. After the takeover by Merseytravel another branch of The Beatles Story was opened in the controversial Pier Head ferry terminal.

The lid on activities at Merseytravel was compiled by a number of councillors, including leading Liverpool councillor Joe Hanson, who at the time represented Liverpool City Council on Merseytravel’s executive body. It led to Merseytravel calling in auditors. The Beatles Story was mentioned in the dossier.

The dossier claimed managing director Jerry Goldman was paid £2,000-a-month as a consultant on top of a salary of £70,000 a year.

It was made clear there was no suggestion Mr Goldman had done anything wrong.

Last March Mr Goldman welcomed the Duchess of Cornwall to the Beatles Story. The Duchess has expressed an interest in visiting the venue during the 50th anniversary year of the birth of the Beatles.

The statement last night gave no indication of who would replace Mr Goldman, or indeed what fate is in store for The Beatles Story.