LIVERPOOL'S tourism mandarins have been getting the trebles in after receiving a late Christmas present from the Rough Guide. 

This week the city made news when the travel publisher ranked it third in a top 10 list of world destinations to visit in 2014.

It was beaten by Rio de Janeiro and Sarajevo and was the only city in England to make the list. No London, no Manchester, but there's always next time. 

Chris Brown, head of Marketing Liverpool which sells the city - and what it frequently terms the “offer” - to the world said it's just the latest accolade of this sort for Liverpool. He said the listing indicated that the city has got more than the Beatles and football going for it - or what is known in the tourism manual as the “satisfaction rate”. 

“There are multiple reasons to visit the city at any time, but 2014 will be a special year for anyone making the trip to the city,” he said. 

Rough Guides publishes an annual list of cities and countries to visit each year. Liverpool also beat Umeå in Sweden, a European Capital of Culture in 2014. 

Rough Guide Liverpool listingRough Guide Liverpool listing

The listing, which highlights both the old and new of the city, reads: ‘What began with the gradual redevelopment of the Albert Dock area has evolved into a full-blown cultural renaissance. Liverpool, once named the world’s pop music capital, has rediscovered its mojo. And guess what? It’s setting trends again."


It goes on: “Visit in 2014 to experience the Liverpool Biennial, a ten-week-long contemporary arts festival over the summer that sees the city filled with works from around the world.

It also recommends that visitors "keep an eye out for new creative quarters like the Baltic Triangle, where bars and fashion studios are springing up" in what it describes as "old, brick-built warehouses" near the Mersey. 

Brown went on: “Liverpool is increasingly receiving this kind of recognition, which proves our growing reputation on an international scale. Where once the main draws were The Beatles or football, now there are a multiple reasons for people to come here and the visitor economy has been reaping the rewards. 


 “The Rough Guides write-up rightly identifies Albert Dock, Liverpool Biennial and the Baltic Triangle as key reasons to visit the city. 

“This is without even mentioning the return of the giants, the Mondrian and Warhol exhibitions at Tate Liverpool, International Festival for Business or the Open Championship.” 

When you look at the variety and depth of Liverpool’s offer, you can truly appreciate why we are cited as one of the best cities in the world to visit this year.”

'Satisfaction rate'

Sue Grindrod, chairperson of the Liverpool Waterfront Business Partnership CIC, added: “The inclusion of Albert Dock in the listing was richly deserved and very fitting, after we celebrated 25 years since its redevelopment. 

She also said: “This is without mentioning the outstanding architecture, variety of leisure options and draw of the Three Graces. Feedback from visitors shows that Liverpool boasts an exceptionally high satisfaction rate, and many return to the city again. 

Full list of Rough Guides’ top 10 cities for 2014 here.