Liverpool's biggest private hire taxi firm has won the go-ahead for a city centre booking office and waiting lounge which it describes as a first for the city.

Alpha Cars says it has put the safety of women passengers at the forefront of its base - an historic warehouse in Duke Street, close to Liverpool One. 

It will enable passengers to book their private hire car and wait in the safety of an adjoining lounge for their vehicle to pick them up at the front door.

Liverpool City Council's Planning Committee today unaminously approved the plan after council planning officers recommended the go-ahead be given.

The scheme has been devised by veteran taxi operator and owner of Alpha Cars James Bradley.

Mr Bradley said: "This will be yet another first for Liverpool, a service not yet available in many British cities.

"I have been working on this scheme for some years in response to requests from passengers, and particularly female customers, who want, and deserve, a safe and secure environment.

"Our scheme involves creating a well-run city centre booking office and waiting lounge where there will be a coffee bar, all overseen by extensive closed circuit television. During the evenings registered and experienced security staff will be on duty for added safety and security.

"Additionally it will make a major contribution to greener transport by introducing a central pick-up point, reducing the number of cars circulating in and around the city centre.

The one-time Victorian warehouse earmarked for the operation has been vacant for some years and its owners say the proposal presents the best chance of bringing it back into productive use.