The gladiatorial knock-out event by Tsingtao takes place on October 25th at Canal Mills
The first rule of Fight Club is, of course, that you don’t talk about Fight Club. But this isn’t a bruising slugfest with Brad Pitt. No, Ping Pong Fight Club is far more serious.
The gladiatorial knock-out event returns to Leeds on October 25th at Canal Mills in Armley, with sponsors Tsingtao providing the alcoholic accompaniment for what promises to be an evening full of fun – and some trademark over-competitiveness.
The rules are simple. 64 players from sixteen Leeds businesses will duke it out across fourteen tables for the right to call themselves Leed’s Ping Pong Fight Club champions.
But to earn this title, prospective challengers will need to unseat last year’s victors – Sky Betting and Gaming. Looking to do so this year are teams from John Lewis, Martinez Wines and the cast of ITV’s Emmerdale, as well as several others.

But the event isn’t just about the main tournament, although that’s the one that brings in the plaudits of course. Attendees can play singles and doubles friendlies and even take on a ping pong robot.
Alternatively, there’s plenty of street food, pop-up bars and the in-house Ping Pong Fight Club DJs to keep non-paddlers entertained off-table.
Participating companies can choose packages that range from small (ten supporters with four players on the team) up to gold (100 supporters), depending on size and interest. All entries include a complimentary Tsingtao beer, Ping Pong Fight Club t-shirts and headbands.
And it’s not too late to register – just get a team together and visit pingpongfightclub. Maybe your company will be the one to end Sky Betting and Gambling’s ping pong dominance of Leeds?