SOME people will do go to any lengths to wind Pete Price up on his phone-in.  

But shinning up a 400ft tower is a bit much - even for the most vile radio listener.

However, the people at st John's Centre tell a different Winter's Tale.

"Santa is on his way up to the top of the Radio City Tower so he can see all the houses in Liverpool he has to deliver to on Christmas Eve," says a spokesman.

'Does my bum look big in this?' Picture: Dave The Pap'Does my bum look big in this?' Picture: Dave The Pap

Not since the La Princesse spider in 2008, have the good people of the city witnessed anything stuck to a building.

The gigantic Santa is part of St John's Centre's Christmas push which sees a new entrance into the mall open tomorrow and a revamped Food Court.

Further along Houghton Street, Liverpool's official Christmas tree is looking particularly pretty this year - boasting 5,000 more lights than the tree at the Rockefeller Centre in Manhattan.

Liverpool Christmas Tree 2013Bright lights big city

It has been decorated by the company which has dressed the Christmas tree in Bethlehem. But never mind that, it's also done David Beckham's, Steven Gerrard's (up by the Formby Pinewoods) and Ozzy Osborne's too. 

Wavertree firm The Christmas Decorators have used 50,000 low energy lights wrapped around the branches of the Liverpool tree to ensure there is a new look. 

The Christmas tree is a Sitka Spruce and was sourced from the Kielder Forest in Northumberland by the city council.

The Lord Mayor, Gary Millar, says: “It is going to be a memorable Christmas and again Liverpool really is the place to be this year.” 

But not everywhere. In keeping with the no-room-at-the-inn tale, this year Liverpool's Nativity Scene goes one further by putting the crib tableau in a cage and warning people not only to stay out but that therein lies danger.

The danger is not specified. Perhaps a better notice would be: "Keep your hands off our ass."  (That's enough derriere references, ed.)

Nativity Scene'Keep your hands off our ass'