Your favourite band is
a) The Beatles
b) Oasis
c) It's all a Blur 

Your favourite alcoholic drink is
a) Whisky and Coke
b) White Ace 
c) Handbag Smirnoff

Here Comes...
a) ..The Sun King
b) ... Yer ma
c) ...The kerb

What shoes do you wear?
a) Cuban heeled Chelsea boots
b) Good old Adidas
c) Shhhadazzle gold heels until 5.30pm. Then go barrrrre on the cobbles!

Got To Get You Into My...
a) ...Life
b) ...Police van
c) ...Toilet cubicle

Knockin' on Heaven's door is
a) A song by Bob Dylan
b) A song by Guns n Roses
c) Something you do outside Flares after closing time

What makes a perfect festival?
a) Three feet of mud, magic mushrooms and a lighter in hand as Macca comes on to do Hey Jude at the end. "All sway the one way!"
b) Three feet of kebab wrappers and a "Gary" you got for £12 from Dazz in the Ford Focus, which looks like the Prozac your dad takes.
c) Three cases of out-of-date WKD that you won in a raffle at Your Kid's school church fair.

Swiss psychologist Carl Jung visited Mathew St in a dream. He said: "Liverpool is the pool of...
a) ..."Tears, crying for the day..."
b) ...Life
c) ...Sick

Your favourite hairstyle is
a) A mop top, of course
b) Number one, just like The Rutles song
c) Long, but off my face. A bit like me

Mostly As - Good stereotype: Congratulations, you go to the Mathew Street Festival for all the right reasons. You know every Beatles lyric and fully embrace the day, the people, the Pool and Allan Williams. Why bother with artificial stimulants when All You Need is Love?

Mostly Bs - Bad stereotype: You wouldn't miss Mathew Street Festival if it wasn't there. Nor would your pitbull, Kruger. You'd doubtless be causing trouble somewhere else. You like to get "into the zone" early and by 6pm you'll be strutting your fine hairless chest for all the lucky girls. Here Comes the Sun? Clatter towards those hills, ladies.

Mostly Cs - Ugly stereotype: Let's face it, you don't really handle the world without getting into a bit of a mess, do you? That's why there's an emergency dentist on standby for you and your mates every bank holiday. You are looking forward to Mathew Street this year as you claim you have never been before. Truth of the matter is, you've been for the last six years. You just have trouble remembering it.