IN one of the more unusual call-outs for a breakdown recovery firm, Quacker One is unceremoniously hauled out of Salthouse Dock after capsizing with 31 day trippers on board, including a two-year-old.

Twenty-seven people were treated at the Royal following the sinking of the Yellow Duckmarine on Saturday afternoon. All were later discharged.

The near-disaster quickly made for national headlines and brought part of Liverpool city centre to a standstill as dozens of ambulances, police, fire and Coastguard vehicles dashed to the Albert Dock complex.

With sighs of relief all round, it nevertheless places a huge question mark over the tourist attraction and the company which operates the vessels, Pearlwild Ltd.

It is the second time one of the World War II amphibious vessels has met a watery end.  All four Yellow Duckmarines were banned from going into water after one sank and passengers had to be moved on to a pontoon on 31 March.

In May, three of the vehicles were declared safe to take to the water again. 

Quacker 1

According to reports, Pearlwide faces a separate investigation by the North West Traffic Commissioner, with a public inquiry set to be held later this month.

A spokesperson for Yellow Duckmarine said: “Following the incident involving Quacker 1, we are working closely with our regulatory body, The Maritime & Coastguard Agency and Merseyside Police.

"The craft involved in the incident holds a valid passenger carrying certificate.

"The craft has now been recovered and following consultation with MCA it has been taken to a place of safe and secure storage in-order-that a full investigation can take place. That will continue tomorrow morning.

Our team followed their emergency response procedure, ensuring the safe disembarkation of passengers on board. We were aided in this regard by a number of canal boat owners berthed in Salthouse Dock to whom we would like to express our thanks. We would also like to express our thanks to the emergency services and the Albert Dock Security team onsite for their immediate and exemplary response.

We will continue to provide full cooperation with MCA and Merseyside Police.

We are pleased that all of the passengers who were taken to hospital as a precaution, have now been released.”

A Merseyside Police spokesman added: "A multi-agency investigation into the full circumstances of the incident is ongoing."

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Liverpool Duckmarine %288%29Liverpool Duckmarine %2811%29

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Pics by Dave The Pap and Liverpool Confidential