CONSULTATION over the future of the Welsh Streets is entering its final, important stages. 

Two large-scale public drop-in events are taking place this week at Toxteth Town Hall, which Liverpool City Council says will give everyone in the community the chance to view the £15 million neighbourhood regeneration plans for themselves, ask questions and have their say.
The events, on Thursday 6 September, 4-7pm; and Saturday 8 September, 10-3pm, form part of the final consultation for the Welsh Streets scheme, which aims to rejuvenate housing throughout the area.
The proposed scheme, delivered by the city council and Liverpool housing association Plus Dane Group, is said to include over 150 affordable, high-quality new homes for the local community and new residents, built to the highest standards. The properties, for rent and sale, will provide a diverse mix of housing for the area, and will be designed to be energy efficient and spacious, with many including gardens.
The plans will also see the development of proposals to retain and refurbish 32 terraced properties - 16 on Madryn Street and 16 in Kelvin Grove. The city council is launching a pilot scheme in September which, it says, will give the local community, working in partnership with a lead organisation, the opportunity to take over and refurbish the Madryn Street properties, which had previously been earmarked for demolition - including 9 Madryn Street, the childhood home of Ringo Starr.
Liverpool City Council’s Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Ann O’Byrne, said: “These drop-in events are aimed at giving everybody in the community the opportunity to see the Welsh Streets plans for themselves and let us know what they think."
Running alongside the public drop-in events is a new website, which residents can visit to find out more about the proposed scheme, look at a range of plans and artist’s impressions and leave feedback.
The plans for the Welsh Streets form part of the wider housing renewal programme in the Princes Park neighbourhood which was declared in 2005 for a period of up to 10 years. There are 2,500 properties within the renewal area and over 80 per cent of the existing properties are being retained, says the council.
People have until 20 September 2012 to submit comments and feedback on the scheme. Following the consultation, a final planning application will be submitted.
*The Welsh Streets public drop-in events take place at Toxteth Town Hall, 15 High Park Street, on Thursday 6 September, 4-7pm; and Saturday 8 September, 10-3pm.
Further reading here.