MELLO MELLO put down roots in the Ropewalks district seven years ago. Its growth was straggly, its fortunes, frequently, lay at the mercy of the winds. Against the odds this welcoming sweet nothing blossomed to a degree that suggested a longevity greater than its years.

It could only end in irony, for thanks to Mello, the Kazimier and others, Ropewalks is rotting and run down no more. Their efforts helped attract the big bucks developers looking for another Shoreditch in which to install whisky bars designed by Mac template. Like it or not, that's what happens.

What, no closing bash?, was the first question Confidential put to Mello Mello when news of its sudden closure came out a week and a half ago. No, replied Rob Longson, there wasn't even time for that.

But they couldn't let Mello go without saying goodbye and, this weekend, good friends and neighbours at the Kaz will provide.


Harlequin Dynamite BandHarlequin Dynamite Band

To celebrate Mello Mello's incredible seven years they are holding a huge blow-out featuring live music from the Harlequin Dynamite Marching Band, Arkopsy and many more. There is talk of a march past the closed venue and later expect tunes from Melodigy, Vinyl Silk vs DJ Good and others "potential tears and a whole lot of FUN.

And that, as Satchmo once said, is the end of the story.

The Big Mello Mello Send Off, The Kazimier,  4-5 Wolstenholme Square Liverpool, Saturday Oct 4 8:00 pm. Entry by donation.