PAUL McCartney reached his three score years and ten this week and fans across the water celebrated with a mass thumbs up. 

Paul Weller reacted by announcing he would record a version of Birthday, for charity.

Here in Liverpool, fans had to make do with a statue to say many happy returns to as followers of the Liverpool Beatles Appreciation Society laid flowers and cards and draped garlands at the effigy of the Beatles in Cavern Walks.

A couple of pale imitations, but here’s a couple that aren’t so pale.

First up, Liverpool Confidential unveils this startling Birthday Portrait of Sir Paul, through the eyes and pen of our occasional contributer, Professor Yaffle Chucklebutty.

He is not to be out-done by Chester-based comedian Stevie Riks, a best kept secret, it seems, who has kept us richly entertained for ages with his Beatles take-offs which populate a fair chunk of Planet Youtube.

We couldn’t let a momentous occasion like Macca’s latest Big-0 go unrecorded, so here’s Stevie’s latest video, produced this week, at Ringo's house.