OPTIMISTIC talk of benefit gigs, support from celebrity arts chums and appeals to any rich Liverpool speculators were rife in Mello Mello last week.

We are now facing prices that we will not be able to negotiate given the current funds available to us

As part of the fight to keep this hugely popular grassroots cultural venue in the hands of those who built it up from nothing, hundreds pledged money, from £5 to £3,000, towards the deposit to buy their building. 

If it had have been the thousands who "liked" the pledge page but did nothing, it might be a different story today.

The Slater Street premises is currently in the hands of the receivers after the owners of it and dozens more Ropewalks properties, went bust.

But after their offer was accepted, MelloMello have now been told, actually, they can forget it.

A higher bid from an unknown source has been lodged and accepted - and although that might signal all bets are off, the people behind Mello are adamant their quest will go on, for now.

Mello Mello campaign takes a serious knock

Mello Mello campaign takes a serious knock

Mello said in a statement:

 “To say that the support Mello Mello has received this past fortnight is overwhelming would be an understatement. We have all been greatly touched, empowered and bolstered by not only the generous donations but also the resilient and positive attitude of all who have offered guidance, ideas and support.

“Unfortunately, we have been informed that our previously accepted offer has now been declined in favour of a new, higher offer. We do not know who has gazumped us, but we are now facing prices that we will not be able to negotiate given the current funds available to us.

“Rob, Laura, Jo and Adam would like to stress that we will obviously do all we can to continue this fight, and that this slight set-back in the preferred flow of play does not signal an end or ultimate defeat; we will have to see what happens and what options become available to us.

Mello Mello New
“As stated below, should we be ultimately unsuccessful in our initial aim of purchasing the building, we will use any money raised by this campaign to continue the business either in the current building under new landlords (should they allow us to stay) or somewhere new.

Liverpool Confidential will keep you posted with developments....