Punch up

I'm gonna dance out both my shoes
When they play the Jelly Roll Blues
Tomorrow night, at the Darktown Strutter's Ball

Witness the Darktown Strutters Ball. a night of Hillbilly, Jazz, old-time, Hokum, stomps, rags, reels and two-step.

Sidney Bailey's No Good Punchin' Clowns, The Loose Moose String Band and The Flamin' Mamies present a night of old time melody for your dancing feet.

Be there or be square.

*Darktown Strutters Ball, Friday September 21 in the Kazimier Garden,  32 Seel St, Liverpool.

Phillip_GlassPhillip Glass

We are Glass
Philip Glass is often said to be one of the most influential composers of the late 20th century. His music is also often controversially described as minimalist, along with the work of the other "major minimalists" La Monte Young, Terry Riley and Steve Reich.

But lately Glass has distanced himself from the "minimalist" label, describing himself instead as a composer of "music with repetitive structures." 
Anyroad, the fantastic electrical guitarist Carlo Bowry (Wizards of Twiddly/Muffin Men) and classical guitarist Neil Campbell team up together for a special collaborative concert tomorrow night. 

Set in the intimate Domino Gallery each performer will perform a solo set using loops, delays and other electronic manipulations to make their guitars sound like multi-timbral guitar orchestras. 

Shattering stuff.
*Carlo Bowry and Neil Campbell play Philip Glass, Saturday September 22, 8pm. Domino Gallery, (Upper Newington, off Renshaw Street near Grand Central Hall, Liverpool). Tickets £6.