THE old dear's head toppled off and the city's transport system almost did the same as an estimated 100,000 people took to the streets to welcome three giant puppets back to Liverpool.
Memories of August 1914, from French street theatre company Royal de Luxe, began on Wednesday with a sleeping giant Grandmother at St George's Hall.
And yesterday the action got under way in earnest. Enter the Little Girl Giant on her second visit to Liverpool from Nantes, with her dog Xolo.

Granny, who is Jean Luc Courcoult's first speaking giant, awoke and took to her wheelchair for the long journey up to Newsham Park, but not before she revealed that she was a time traveller who had crossed 14 billion light years to be in Liverpool.
Passengers on public transport knew the feeling. Merseyrail services struggled to cope, leaving thousands of people queuing outside closed off stations as the pair took their afternoon siestas. Bus and taxi services went into meltdown. Main roads were blocked off and many people eventually gave up and began the long march home
But there was plenty to smile about in the blistering heat with some sharing their reactions on Twitter.
Like Jay McKenna who tweeted: "Grandma is out of her wheelchair. Atos will probably have her declared fit for work by next Monday #followthegiants"
But this is a spectacle and as such is best told in pictures. Below we have a Day One selection by Wesley Storey, one of the city's best up and coming photographers, for Liverpool Confidential.
More later.
'I have built a wall of headlights and she will think it is a piece of galaxy when she awakes
This is what the Grandmother told the people of Liverpool yesterday, in translation from Jean Luc Courcoult, her creator and artistic director of Royal de Luxe.
"It is with a huge chime of happiness that I have travelled the 14 billion light years that separate us.
As I passed through the immense cosmos, the stars tinkled like crystal.
This orchestra of sound pierced my eardrums with a million shivers and their sound evaporated into the echoes of the galaxy.
A strange shortcut led my body to its destination immediately, whilst my soul took parallel routes and caught up with me two days later.
The only luggage I took with me was a trunk full of memories.
On this trip I decided to take the Little Girl Giant with me as she already knows your city. She will be my guide amongst you.
And so, we have crossed the Planck Wall to be with you.
To welcome and reassure her, I have built a wall of headlights and she will think it is a piece of galaxy when she awakes."