PHIL Halsall, Liverpool city's former finance director, has been suspended from his chief executive role at Lancashire County Council pending the outcome of a disciplinary investigation. 

It follows an independent review of the tender process for a contract to run the council's fleet services. 

The county council's Urgency Committee decided to suspend Halsall, who has been in the top role at the local authority since 2010, in a meeting at County Hall in Preston. 

Jo Turton, the council's executive director for environment, has been appointed interim chief executive.


Mr Halsall, 55, was chief executive at South Ribble Council before leaving to become executive director of resources in 2000 at Liverpool City Council. 

Phil HalsallPhil HalsallHe was appointed by the then chief executive, David Henshaw, as part of a top tier of management who were known as the “cabal” to critics. 

As finance director he left Liverpool in 2008 with a £500,000 golden handshake as the last survivor of the regime. 

He joined Lancashire County Council in 2009 and was promoted to the job of chief executive a year later with with a controversial £65,000 pay rise, taking his salary to £195,000. He replaced Ged Fitzgerald who left to become chief executive of Liverpool City Council.