AN anonymous donor has helped Mello Mello reach the first milestone in its appeal for survival, by handing a £3,000 "tip" to bar staff.

It takes the total raised in the last 10 days to more than £11,000, but with the clock ticking to an April 26 deadline, there's still another £19,000 to find. 

The fate of the popular Slater Street arts venue, cafe and creative hub was thrown into turmoil when the building's owners Concert Square Steps and Arthouse Square, went into receivership last August. The premises, which was renovated from derelict by staff and volunteers, was put up for sale last month as part of a wider property portfolio in the Ropewalks area. 


The successful Mello Mello community interest company, which runs the operation that includes dance and music studios and a cafe, put in an offer - and that was accepted.

However there was – and still is - the small question of the mortgage deposit.

An appeal was launched on donations website Indigogo on April 5 to raise £30,000 which the bank wants to see a guarantee of by the end of the month (friends and family had already been tapped for a further £10,000 before the appeal went public).

This Glamorous Mello Mello T-Shirt Can Be Yours For A DonationThis Glamorous Mello Mello
T-Shirt Can Be
Yours For A Donation here 
Mello Mello manager Rob Longson said: “One of our customers passed an envelope across the counter last week when he was getting up to leave. We didn't take much notice at first. But we were shocked when we opened it later in the office upstairs and discovered a cheque for £3,000.

"It's really encouraging and we're delighted. He's insisted on staying anonymous, but we'll remember him for a long time."

 Rob added: “We've been overwhelmed by the support we've received from customers and fans who don't want to see Mello Mello go.

“But there is a very real danger of that if we can't reach this target fast.”

Those donating here can claim a number of rewards, such as Mello T shirts, mugs, a day's worth of recording in the music studio with an experienced producer and engineer – and even your face as a cake.

Rob said: “At a time when many of Liverpool's most loved independent businesses and venues are closing for good, we have a real chance of securing a future for Liverpool's grassroots creative scene with people's help.”