Buy donated goods from 'The Empty Shop' on Oxford Road from Thursday 19 April – all proceeds go to local charities
Throwaway fashion: the addictive lifestyle choice that leaves your wardrobe bulging with little regard for the world around it. Though the side-effects of fast fashion are becoming increasingly known, tackling attitudes towards fashion and sustainability are still major hurdles that the industry needs to address. With studies revealing that the UK’s disposable attitude towards clothing sees a whopping £12.5 billion worth of clothing end up in landfill each year, a shift in mindset is much needed.
It’s exactly this throwaway culture that The Empty Shop, an initiative from Manchester Arndale, hopes to impact through facilitating the recycling of donated clothing. This year, donations from mancunians amounted to over two tonnes of clothing, all of which will be used to raise funds for two local charities. Highlights within the donations include vintage football shirts and high-end designer pieces, as well as essential every day items.

Donated items will be going on sale at Goodstock’s Oxford Road store from Thursday 19 April, raising funds for this year’s charity partners, V•Inspired and Centrepoint, who both directly help Manchester’s young people.
V•Inspired is the UK's leading volunteering charity for 14-30-year olds, helping more than 37,000 young people every year to make their mark on causes that they care about while learning new skills for employability and personal development. The charity runs the Goodstock store.
Centrepoint supports more than 9,200 homeless young people each year and works in Manchester supporting over 2,000 vulnerable young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
The project is supported by Coronation Street legend, Helen Worth, who plays Gail Platt in the soap. Speaking about the project, worth said: “The Empty Shop is a fantastic initiative, and it’s quite staggering that two tonnes of clothes have been donated and will find new homes. Charity shops don’t have to be boring and drab, and The Empty Shop project definitely proves that!
“I’d absolutely urge anyone to check out the donations at Goodstock - you might just find a new outfit, and the money you pay will support the work of two amazing charities in Manchester.”
Ben Bowden, Regional Fundraising Manager from Centrepoint, said: “This is the first year that Centrepoint has been involved with this amazing initiative by Manchester Arndale, and we have been overwhelmed with the giving spirit of the people of Manchester.
"Our charity raises money to help the city’s most vulnerable young people and Manchester shoppers can support our cause by visiting the Goodstock shop on Oxford Road and grabbing some fashion bargains.’’
Tim Charlton from V•Inspired, commented: “Yet again we are so impressed with the response to The Empty Shop project. Residents have donated in their thousands, and the rails of the Goodstock shop are teaming with some incredible finds for the keen fashion lover. We would once again like to thank the generous people of Manchester and look forward to seeing you at the sale.’’
The Empty Shop sale opens on Thursday 19 April
Visit the Goodstock at 6a Oxford Road, Monday – Saturday, 10am – 6pm.