Yoko Ono has invited the winner of Liverpool’s GIT Award 2013 to support her Plastic Ono Band at Meltdown 2013 – the 20th anniversary of the Festival at London’s Southbank Centre.

The winner joins Yoko’s personally curated festival bill which includes Iggy Pop, Siouxsie, Patti Smith, Marianne Faithful, Boy George, Savages and the Plastic Ono Band who will play John and Yoko’s Double Fantasy with special guests – the first time the album will be performed live.

The winner of the GIT (Getintothis) Award, will be revealed from the 12-strong shortlist of exciting emerging Merseyside acts on Friday April 19 at Leaf on Bold Street. 

The shortlist of Liverpool’s premier music prize is: Baltic Fleet, Barberos, By The Sea, Nadine Carina, Clinic, Conan, Dan Croll, John Heckle, Jetta, Tyler Mensah, Stealing Sheep and Wave Machines.

Meanwhile, the comperes for this year’s GIT Award showcase at Leaf on April 19, are culture guru Jayne Casey and film-maker and the voice of the Anfield Wrap, Neil Atkinson.

Yoko, who celebrates her 80th birthday and joins previous Meltdown curators David Bowie, Jarvis Cocker and Nick Cave, said: "One of my hopes for Meltdown is that people will discover new musicians and artists - the GIT Award artists represent artists of the future. And of course I was very keen to have a new artist from Liverpool.

“You could say I'm biased but I believe that music from Liverpool and other northern cities  has often shaped our future. John was a great example of this. I look forward to hearing some great new music from Liverpool and to seeing one artist on the bill for Meltdown. It's the future!"