It’s a long time for any business to be alive and snipping.

Thirty big ones is nothing to frown about, but if you have done, they'll cut you a nice sweeping fringe.

You best get your party frocks and your party locks on as the Hair Studio celebrates the big three-o.

The Hair Studio was, in the very early 1980s THE ONLY hairdressers in Liverpool for the trendy little rock chick. And still is for many of those self-same people who know a bargain blow job when they see one.

(Click here to add text)(Click here to add text)Now, with not a grey hair in sight, Carla and Gill are inviting you to come and celebrate its birthday at the Cafe Tabac. Bring along a friend a loved one or just someone. Or go alone; it’s bound to be a blast anyway.

The scissor sisters promise a fabulicious night full of "ooh yeh remember back in the day ", "you haven't changed in years!" and other exclaims that you usually exchange with people you either haven’t seen in ages or are reminiscing about the god old days, when things were ultimately better than they are now.

So call in to have a drink, to have a mingle, make new friends and reconnect with "Auld Lans Syne" , but most of all let the gang say to you a big fat thank you for seeing them through the years. Awww.

*The Hair Studio 30 Years of Snipping Party, Saturday 28th April, Cafe Tabac, Bold Street, from 7.30pm, free entry