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Some things for the weekend (March 9-11)

Some things for the weekend (March 9-11)

Something for Joni Mitchell fans, maritime disease, burlesquers and A Clockwork Orange

Heads up...for Hezza

Heads up...for Hezza

Freedom of the city for Michael Heseltine

Rolf Harris show for summer

Rolf Harris show for summer

The didgeridoo man brings life in art to the Walker

The Laz Word - on the North Docks, Peel and the big city vote

The Laz Word - on the North Docks, Peel and the big city vote

Larry Neild is in the Town Hall as council says 'I do'

You can lead a four to culture

You can lead a four to culture

Quartet of champions picked to lead all things arty

Stanley Park festival announced

Stanley Park festival announced

Three-day beano welcomes Sea Odyssey giants to north end

Heads up....for Tony Bennett

Heads up....for Tony Bennett

Billboard chart-topper announces Liverpool gig

Fifth of building sites fail safety checks

Fifth of building sites fail safety checks

Inspectors order halt to work on 29 local projects

Specials' bassist Horace Panter strikes chord for art

Specials' bassist Horace Panter strikes chord for art

Show of paintings opens in Penny Lane

Tickets now on sale....for Lionel Ritchie

Tickets now on sale....for Lionel Ritchie

November Liverpool date for yonder-times smoothie

Liverpool gets a Carluccio's

Liverpool gets a Carluccio's

MetQuarter venue for Italy themed deli/cafe chain

Council tax freeze and school uniform grants saved

Council tax freeze and school uniform grants saved

£1.7 million of cuts to needy are scrapped in raft of budget U-turns