IT'S a bit classier than a hotel room and a kebab.

To mark Valentine's Day, the people at Merseyside Polonia are staging  a love poetry evening, and you are invited to play your part.

Love in Every Language will be held at the Bluecoat on Tuesday, 12th February, at 6.30 pm.

Listen to poems and love songs from different countries –  get inspired and ready for Valentine's Day. Ooer.

I Wub YouNot poetry: This is what it's come to

They say: "This is a fantastic  opportunity to meet new people as well as present yourself and your culture."

In other words, you might even cop off.

"Love in Every Language is a true celebration of love poetry from all  
around the world and we hope to bring together members of different  
communities living in Liverpool," says organiser Gosia Mckane.

If you would like to present a love poem from your country, play music  
or sing a song, please let them  know so they can plan the evening, email them or come to the Bluecoat at 6pm."

In the meantime, here's the English translation of a favourite Polish love poem by Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński (1905-1953)

, with the original verse below.

*Love in Every LanguageTuesday, 12th February 2013Time: 6.30 pmThe Bluecoat, School Lane, Liverpool L1 3BXEntry: FREE!

A Lyrical Exchange

Tell me how you love me.

I'll tell.


I love you in the sun. In candlelight flushes.

I love you in your cap and beret,

Upon a windy open road, at a concert or play.

Among lilac, birch, maple and raspberry bushes.

When you are sleeping, or are hard at work.

When you cleanly crack an egg,

Even when you drop the spoon. 
In a taxi or car.
I am cursed, I shall never bend.

At the beginning of a road or its extreme end.

And parting your hair with a comb.

In a danger. On a merry-go-round at a fairground meet.

At the sea, in the mountains.
In welly boots or bare feet.

Today, yesterday, tomorrow. Night and day.

In springtime, when the swallows hold sway.

And in summer how do you love me?

With the depth of a year.

And in autumn with clouds and humours?

Even when you lose umbrellas.

And when winter's patterns are on the window pane?

 In winter I love you like a merry flame.

Close to your heart it embers and glows.

With the snow outside. Crows upon the snow. 
Konstantyildefonsgalczynski1947Konstanty Ildefons
Gałczyński wrote this.
He died of a heart attack at 48
Rozmowa liryczna

Powiedz mi, jak mnie kochasz.



Kocham Cię w słońcu. I przy blasku świec.

Kocham Cię w kapeluszu i w berecie.

W wielkim wietrze na szosie i na koncercie.

W bzach i brzozach, i w malinach, i w klonach.

I gdy śpisz. I gdy pracujesz skupiona.

I gdy jajko roztłukujesz ładnie
nawet wtedy, gdy Ci łyżka spadnie.

W taksówce. I w samochodzie. Bez wyjątku.

I na końcu ulicy. I na początku.

I gdy włosy grzebieniem rozdzielisz.

W niebezpieczeństwie. I na karuzeli.

W morzu. W górach. W kaloszach. I boso.

Dzisiaj. Wczoraj. I jutro. Dniem i nocą.

I wiosną kiedy jaskółka przylata.

A latem jak mnie kochasz?

Jak treść lata.

A jesienią, gdy chmurki i humorki?

Nawet wtedy, gdy gubisz parasolki.

A gdy zima posrebrzy ramy okien?

Zimą kocham Cię jak wesoły ogień.

Blisko przy Twoim sercu. Koło niego.

A za oknami śnieg. Wrony na śniegu.