THE Coca-Cola Christmas Truck is heading to Liverpool on a national tour and it will reach Church Street on Wednesday 3rd December.

People will have the chance to take photos with the famous truck as it lights up, whilst enjoying a snowy winter wonderland setting, it says here.

"There will be a live choir and a local band tipped by many as the next big breakthrough act from Liverpool," adds the blurb,  although who that might be is anyone's guess.

The truck will arrive in Liverpool at noon, stationing itself on Church Street, where it will stay until 8pm, before trundling off somewhere else.

Alongside its ‘Holidays Are Coming’ advert, this year the brand has launched a new TV advert "Give a Little Happiness".

“To many, the sight of Coca-Cola’s ‘Holidays Are Coming’ advert signifies the start of the Christmas season” said Bryony Cox, event manager for Coca-Cola.

Organisers say the truck tour has widespread appeal across the country and in 2013 it was more popular than ever with almost two million visits to the website to check out the route.

During the tour over 200,000 people appeared in the photos taken from the visits and throughout the Christmas campaign, festive cheer was shared 57 million times using #HolidaysAreComing.