SEX And The City star Kim Cattrall waded into the fight to save Sefton Park Meadows and for her trouble she was accused of "shouting from the sidelines".

Now a new celebrity, this time a local one, has joined the campaign to stop Liverpool's public green spaces being concreted over.

Professor Y Chucklebutty gets out his pitchfork and hands a musical tribute to the Walton Hall Park, Woolton Woods and Sefton Park Meadowlands campaigns.

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Already the Prof's sweet music has reached the ears of the Liverpool-born actress who retweeted the video to her 171,000 followers from her New York home.

She must have even watched it too (as so you should) for she followed the tweet up by quoting from the last line of the song, "We don't want your concete hell".

"What a legacy!" she added.

We await the reworking of Donny and Marie's Who's Sorry Now by Ms Cattrall and Prof Chucklebutty, in this new partnership across the divide of The Pond.

In the meantime, all sway the one way...