Q:“WHY do pies have holes in the top of them? *
A: “So fat bastards can carry five in each hand.” 

 John Bishop, Sarah Millican, Dara O’Briain, Alan Carr and Jason Manford all started somewhere – and while they were on the way up they all appeared at the Slaughter House in Fenwick Street. As did John Shuttleworth who once sang: "I Can't Go Back To Savoury Now".

But he was wrong.

All of these big names may have grown with the love of a warm audience, but that warm audience did not have pies. Hundreds of FREE pies. 

Tomorrow night (Wednesday February 5) that will change.

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Holland's Pies is teaming up with Laughterhouse Comedy to give away hundreds of pies at talent showcase The Laughter Factor, which takes place the first Wednesday of every month. They say it is to to give fans the fuel they need to keep up with the gags, support established comedy acts and newbie funny people at the hallowed comedy venue. 

Admittedly, this is a PR puff from  “the makers of proper pies since 1851”. But it is free pies, so what's your problem, pal? 

The Laughter Factor takes place on the first Wednesday of every month, and is a chance for comics to try out their new material in advance of their weekend shows. The show is also a chance for established headline acts seeking to showcase their talents to us in order to be considered by the promoters for future shows. 

Expect a host of familiar faces and ones you've never seen before.

Laughter Factor with FREE Holland's Pies, The Slaughter House, Fenwick St, Liverpool 2, Wednesday, February 5, 8pm. £5.

*Response from the Facebook page of Holland's Pies, which asked the public for jokes on subject.