ANGELA Eagle, Britain’s first “out” lesbian MP has become the first ever Patron of Liverpool Pride.

She will lead the march through the city, towards its waterfront site, this Saturday, August 4, after opening the proceedings at the meeting point on William Brown Street.

The Wallaey Labour MP said she was proud of her new role and described the festival, now in its third year, as “already rivalling similar events around the globe”.

“Liverpool Pride positively represents the Liverpool city region as the wonderfully colourful, vibrant and accepting place that it is,” she said. “It also serves as a reminder that the world has no place for discrimination and prejudice – it certainly has no place on Merseyside.”


Eagle, recently named as number 11 in the World Pride Power List, has campaigned for LGBT equality throughout her career and played a leading role in the abolition of anti-gay laws including Section 28, introduced by the Thatcher Government, which banned the “promotion” of homosexuality in schools.

Zoran Blackie, Liverpool Pride chairman said: ‘Liverpool Pride is honoured that such an inspirational figure within the campaign for the rights of LGBT people in this country is willing to stand with us in recognising and supporting the needs of our community.”.

Liverpool Pride is UK’s biggest free event of its kind outside of London. It will take place at the Pier Head  and throughout the Stanley Street Gay Quarter this weekend. There will be cultural events taking place at various arts establishments around the city. 

The festival’s Nautical but Nice theme, chosen in a ballot by 700 members of the local LGBT community, gives a nod to the city’s commemoration of the 100 year anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic and celebrates all things to do with sailing.