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Laser hair removal at Spa Satori

Want to do something about unwanted hair? Spa Satori now offers a virtually pain-free laser hair removal system that's affordable, effective, and fast enough to have done in your lunch hour.


Saving over 70% (Normal Price £2,360)

6 sessions to be used on

Full leg, under arm and bikini line


Payment in full after patch test

Patch Test & First treatment in October

After carefully researching the wide range of hair removal technologies on the market, we chose the revolutionary Soprano ICE Platinum system.

It uses three wavelengths to target the hair follicle, making it the most complete and effective hair removal system available. 

Virtually painless 

Available for all skin types and tanned skin 

Affordable for all 

Sessions last 15-30 minutes, depending on the area being treated. No downtime is needed so you can return to work straightaway. Most areas can be treated effectively with five or six sessions.

We recommend you book a free consultation and patch test before having laser hair removal. To book, call us on 0161 819 2465 or email:

and check your suitability to have this treatment

20170825 Spa Satori Hair Removal Prices