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18 08 13 In Defence Of Patchwork Career Multitasking

In defence of… a patchwork career

Jenessa Williams champions the art of being a professional multitasker

18 05 08 Mari Kondi Method

'KonMari' – is it really the best de-cluttering method?

As she prepares for her first home, Jenessa Williams learns the life changing magic...

18 05 03 Gender Neutral Toilets Jpg

Pee politics – should Manchester embrace gender-neutral toilets?

L'Oréal Blackett on flushing gender bias down the loo

18 02 14 Eye Gazing Tantric

'Eye gazing' and 'melting hugs' - dating tips by Manchester's tantric sexperts

Ahead of a tantric dating workshop, L'Oréal Blackett finds out what Sting was on about...

18 02 05 Tori Singleness Article 1 Of 1

The singleton stigma - why being on your own is actually good for you

Tori Attwood on why you can't (and shouldn't) hurry love

18 01 25 Float Level Thumbnail 2

From gong baths to floatation tanks - how to tackle the winter blues in Manchester

Tori Attwood finds alternative routes to happiness

17 12 22 Ariana Grande Thumbnail

Body Confidential's Manchester women of the year

Whether honorary or native, Body Confidential on the city's inspirational women 2017

17 12 04 Wow Festival Thumbnail

'Hair can be a powerful political statement' - 5 things we learned at WOW Festival

Jenessa Williams learns Bradford is full of badass women at the Women of the World...

17 12 02 Lavish Alice Thumbnail December Events

12 fashion & lifestyle events to enjoy this December

Local art markets, sample sales, festive yoga... here’s what to do, see and shop this...

2017 11 15 Every Month Tackles Period Poverty Thumbnail

Every Month charity event tackles period poverty in Manchester

The Manchester initiative will host a 'Let's Paint The Town Red' charity event on 24 November

2017 10 11 Jamie Walker Poses To Raise Awareness Of Hereditary Breast Cancer Main Image

“Why should I hide?” - women who’ve undergone a mastectomy share their stories

Tori Attwood speaks to fundraiser Jamie Walker about her preventative double mastectomy and fighting censorship

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