Make a enquirybooking
Booking confirmed
Woohoo! Your booking at {{venue.title}} is confirmed. You will receive confirmation via text and email from {{venue.title}} shortly.
{{getLocaleString('booking_process.booking_received_confirmed_sentence', 'venueConfig.title')}}
Enquiry received
Please note this booking is NOT yet confirmed.
We have received your booking enquiry and we will be in touch shortly to give you more information about your enquiry at {{venue.title}}.
{{venue.title}} have successfully received your booking enquiry and will get back to you as soon as possible. You will be contacted by the {{venue.title}} team shortly.
If you haven't heard from {{venue.title}} in 48 hours, please do contact with your booking reference ({{booking.reference}}) and we will try to help confirm the booking for you or recommend somewhere else.
We have received your booking enquiry and we will work with {{venue.title}} to confirm your booking. You will receive confirmation of this enquiry via text and email shortly.
We have successfully received your booking enquiry and will get back to you as soon as possible. You will be contacted by our team shortly.
Thank you for your enquiry!