WHEN a reputation preceeds you, you'd better hope it's a good one. Whilst other people's opinions should never matter to you, they will ultimately affect you in the long run.
"I wanted to create a space that any man could walk into and feel relaxed, I didn't want anybody to feel intimidated. My shop was to be a space where there was one barber chair, a fridge for the beers and sodas and some cool tunes."
Luckily for Peter Cranfield, aka Cutthroatpete, his reputation is glowing. With clientiele ranging from celebrity footballers and their families to Olympic sportsmen, Cranfield is not just any Liverpool barber. His skills have attracted fans from all over and now he has set up on his own in Liverpool city centre.
His new shop-come-salon does takes a bit of finding though.
Gradwell Street is one of those neither here nor there locations and it isn't a street you would typically wander down. Still, if you walk down Hanover Street and then walk up the road between Novotel and Tesco you'll meet Cranfield's friendly face, his salon and shop as well as a surprisingly well-stocked mini fridge.
Cutthroat Pete is striking out on his own
Cranfield has previously worked with his brother for many years and built up his name and reputation. So why go solo now? Cranfield explains it wasn't a snap decision. "I have been a barber for about 12 years, I have done my time working for other people so five years ago, me and my brother opened a shop," he explains.
"It's the main goal in most barbers careers, I always kind of knew what I wanted my own shop to be like though. So I had a great five years as a partner with my brother, and in that time I decided to start my Cutthroatpete brand. I had a vision from the word go and the best move for my brand was to open Cutthroatpete's Barber Store.
"I wanted to create a space that any man could walk into and feel relaxed, I didn't want anybody to feel intimidated. My shop was to be a space where there was one barber chair, a fridge for the beers and sodas and some cool tunes."
Barber seat, fridge full of drinks and tunes is all Cutthroatpete needs
Cranfield has chosen a minimalist interior for his solo venture. With a mainly monochromatic colour scheme and a wooden barber seat, it's of the moment and the kind of place you'd imagine those working in Salt Dog Slim's or Santa Chupitos to head to for a cut and shave. The wooden panels are a strong feature and even the dog house for Cranfield's chihuahua matches.
Buddys houseThere are more traditional features in the shop such as the red and blue striped Barber pole, a Chesterfield sofa in the waiting area and a chalkboard price list. But also untraditional features are present too. "We're getting a tattooist in soon too," Cranfield gestures to the back of the store where I can see ongoing work for a tattoo studio to be set up.
The city centre is an obvious choice for businesses, with footfall figures continuing to rise and rise it's ideal for a new venture. With many independent businesses springing up all over the place, Liverpool has never been better for business.
Cranfield says, "Liverpool City Centre as a whole is a pretty cool place. It's got some great fashion, some really cool bars and food joints. It's a nice place to be. The particular part of town I've chosen is filled with independent businesses; it's got a great vibe and I felt Cutthroatpete's would fit in well."
And fit in it has. Cranfield is a popular man with his clientele coming from all over and with the Cutthroatpete brand having great success. He even has famous faces including the Rooneys as customers. Yet Cranfield doesn't rely on his celebrity clientele. He says, "I have a really diverse clientele, from bank managers to other barbers and everything inbetween. I get on really well with all my clients and I have made some great mates with some. Mates for life I'd say." But go on, I urge, tell me more about your celebrity customers...
Cutthroatpete merchandise including hats, t-shirts and beard accessories
"Famous faces," Cranfield pauses. "I do have some coming to me yes, I've been pictured and mentioned in the press with some of them. My main focus is to give my customers a private, exclusive service. I pride myself on this and I know my customers do really appreciate it. They know they can trust me not to be talking to press about them. I like this trust that they have in me and it's something I never want to lose."
Cranfield isn't one to gossip it seems, refreshing to see when many celebrity hairdressers are more than happy to shout about their high-brow clients.
ArtworkSo what does the future have in store for Cranfield and the Cutthroatpete brand?
"I know Cutthroatpete's is at an amazing place right now. It's exactly where I want it to be," says the bearded barber proudly. "In future, I am hoping to do more fashion, TV and photoshoots etc. I really like that side of my job. I also want my merchandise and grooming products to move to the next level.
"I want to be able to continue practicing my trade, enjoying every day I work. I'm extremely lucky to be in a position where I am enjoying what I do and making a living from it."
Follow Niamh Spence on Twitter at @missnspence
Follow Cutthroatpete on Twitter at @cuthroatpete or visit his website here.
Cutthroatpete's shop can be found at: 14 Gradwell Street, Liverpool, L1 4JH.
To make an appointment, email Pete at cutthroatpete@hotmail.com